How to Build a Social Network

# Business
24 MIN
Andrew Tsopych
CEO, Founder

Like-minded people should have a place to get together to create powerful projects. Social media websites and especially networks dedicated to specific topics such as professional networking, health and wellness, or niche hobbies are in demand now. They bring a lot of inspiration and motivation for productive work, as the users can find their partners there. That is why numerous businesses worldwide create a social network and constantly strive to expand it.

In this article, we’ll articulate which considerations are essential to create your own social network and how they can modify your business affairs. We will delve into  how to create a social network and make it work for you. Apart from the basic steps of creating a social network, you’ll learn essential technical considerations such as technology stack for front-end and back-end development. It will be an exciting journey and your first step to creating your own social network. Let us begin!

Market research and idea validation  

If you don’t want to create a social network with a low demand, evaluate the market as an initial stage of launching. You may have a high-quality product that uses innovative technologies and complies with the latest trends. However, it can significantly lose popularity and effectiveness if it does not rely on an accurate market analysis. Do the following steps to attract as many clients as possible:

Competitor and idols analysis

Firstly, conduct a thorough market research on which social networks already exist. Review your main competitors’ social media websites and make notes about their strong and weak features. This will allow you to define your taboos and features that you will potentially add to your network. Apart from competitors, you can choose organizations you admire and analyze how they contribute to building their community. By reviewing the strategies of your idols, you can get inspiration for building a great thing.

Define your UVP (unique value proposition)

After reviewing your competitors’ approaches to creating and maintaining social networks, it’s time to define how you can differ from them, avoiding getting lost. Review your strengths thoroughly and brainstorm which outstanding features your social media website can have.

For instance, you can create a social media website with narrowly used innovative technologies, gamification elements, highly creative UX (user experience) design, etc. A clearly formulated UVP is your main weapon against countless competitors with unique social networks.

Identify target audience

Even the weirdest thing can find its buyers if the advertisement works properly. Meaning, every product has a specific target audience, who has to learn about it before purchasing or using it. That is why you must know exactly who your social media website should attract. Target audience criteria that can help create social network website by attracting the right people include: 

These criteria help define an image of a person potentially interested in your product. Give clear descriptions to all of them to avoid wasting money on ineffective ads. 


While defining your UVP and target audience is essential for successfully launching a social website, using surveys and MVPs (minimum viable products) guarantees success. 


Polls aim to gain feedback from your intended target audience. Launch short surveys before creating a social network to gather data on people expectations, preferences, and pains. It is vital to avoid making it long and complicated as people usually do not like to spend much time filling out forms. By asking clear questions, you can learn how your audience interacts with existing social networks and what these websites lack. Thus, you will know what features to add to a new platform. 


After having sufficient data on the users’ expectations, companies usually launch test runs of the product to grasp whether they succeed in satisfying their audience. MVPs are the products presented to a limited number of early users to test the product features. 

Being patient and creating MVP before launching a large-scale product ensures much greater social network success in the future. 

Planning and strategy 

Project discovery is an essential phase to create social networking website that will work for you. During this stage, you and your team should closely collaborate to develop a step-by-step strategy on how to build a social network. When you reviewed a market analysis and formulated UVP and a clear concept, you should:

Define objectives

The objectives of your social network launch should be measurable. You can not objectively define your success and implement advancements without quantitative goals. Instead of “attracting as many users as possible,” define a specific number of users to attract. Moreover, you should identify a timeframe for this achievement, including both due date and milestones. By noting insufficient engagement by a specific milestone, you can include advancements and reach a set goal by the due date.

Choose the platform type

There are numerous options for social website types. Among the most popular, there are:

  • Social networking sites: Such networks comprise individuals from a similar niche who look for career development. A person can find a colleague on social networking sites and propose to become partners by collaborating. Considering that we can expect a rise to over six billion social network users in 2028, your chances of finding a partner are pretty high. 
  • Informational social networks: This type provides information about the specific niche, including updates and educational materials. Members can ask questions and discuss materials with each other. 
  • Websites for communication: If you want to create a great community of your adherents in one place, you can develop a website just for communication. Users may not pursue professional goals there but simply want to communicate about a niche or related topics. Firms usually develop messaging apps to achieve this goal.
  • Interest-based networks: These platforms connect users around shared hobbies, passions, or specific interests. If your niche comprises many topic branches, creating different channels devoted to separate subtopics will be wise and allow users to communicate freely.
  • Photo and video sharing sites: These networks allow those interested in areas contiguous with media to “hang out” in their community. The visual component is an important component of our lives. Thus, media exchanging social networks attract a broad range of users – from lifestyle bloggers to professional artists.

While networking is not the main feature of several types of platforms, one can find a colleague or a potential partner on any of them by being an active member and commentator.

Monetization strategies

When you create a social network, it is important not only to learn how to build a social media website but how to monetize it. Basic or additional charges are not just a money extraction but a resource for maintaining and advancing the platform. Having enough monetary resources, you can implement the latest innovative technologies, making the network even more attractive to users. Here are some time-tested monetization strategies you can use:


Niche brands will not miss the opportunity to run their ads in an environment with a concentration of users interested in the topic. To ensure the efficiency of this monetization approach, ensure several options for ad banners on a platform. The variety of alternatives enables price variety, which increases the chances of ad purchasing.

Paid features

Include separate in-app purchases of unique advanced features. Ensure a variability of premium functionalities to satisfy the maximum number of clients. This can be advanced analytics, ad removal, interactive features in the user interface, expanded content editing tools, etc. 

Premium memberships

Subscriptions are among the most popular types of platform monetization. Several of the aforementioned paid features can be united in a group and presented as monthly/yearly/forever subscriptions. Thus, the users can choose the most convenient option.

Educational materials

You can invest exclusively in unique courses presented on your social network. Narrowly niched informational social networks are ideal for launching courses as the audience is initially knowledge seekers.

Other networks are also great spaces for educational courses. For instance, courses on building a business or personal social network can be interesting and relevant for anyone, regardless of interests and profile. 


Instead of buying some services or features to implement them in the network, you can partner with them. For instance, you can collaborate with API (application programming interface) services to leverage user experience and make the website more unique. These may be content, payment, advertising, authentication, analytics APIs, etc. While you get an enhanced social network, API service providers increase usage and strengthen brand reputation by partnering with social networks.

By making your social network highly profitable, you can constantly attract more businesses there and improve the platform. 

User interface and user experience (UI/UX)  

You need a team of dedicated professional designers to make a social media website rich in site visitors and high session durations. The visual component of a network is responsible for the site’s intuitiveness. More intuitive websites attract users much more than complicated and confusing interfaces even with a broad range of functions. Over 80-90% of users leave the page immediately if they face stuffed design, challenging navigation, and poor loading times.

When creating the design, keep these three things in mind:

User interface design (UI) 

If you strive to create social media website that will have word of mouth as a powerful advertising mechanism, invest much in the UI design development. UI design is the process of a team of experts making a highly intuitive and comprehensive interface. Relying on their oversight and experience, they develop unique visual components of different software. 

The practical process of UI design development starts with organizing information structure and navigation. Next, the designers develop wireframes to outline the basic layout and functionality of the site and go ahead to making journey-simulating interactive prototypes. Testing the usability allows to find and fix any usability problems and guarantees that the design is clear and easy to use. Once the team validates the core structure, they create mockups incorporating branding elements, colors, and typography.

User experience considerations (UX) 

UI is inseparable from the UX, as the program’s interface forms visitors’ experience. The main UX principles include coherent user pathways and uniformity of all visual components. They are essential for a flawless user experience. Basically, you have a single chance to persuade a person to stay on your platform. 

Clarify the designers your main desires and expectations along with the mood and values you want the design to reflect. Designers should ensure a pleasurable time for your social media website users by combining their experience and oversight with your technical assignment.


To create a social media website with the maximum possible user count, the network must be accessible through any device. According to Statista, mobile phones have 59% of the global web traffic. When you assign designers to create a social network interface, the result should be intuitive and holistic, whether on the notebook or a smartwatch.

You can also review the W3C accessibility standards to create a highly inclusive environment within your network. These principles can make your network available for elderly individuals, those with impairments, and non-native speakers. 

Technical considerations  

The technology stack is the crucial choice when you want to build a social media website. The programming language defines not only the overall performance, scalability, and maintainability of the platform but also the scope of available functionality. The technical component impacts the speed and accuracy of data processing and the network’s capability to integrate with other technologies, such as third-party APIs or payment gateways. Let’s review the technical considerations more clearly. 

Technology stack

Choosing a technology stack is a fundamental step to build social network. It enables all the functions you want in your social network. The technology stack consists of front- and back-end solutions as well as other middleware components that support the overall functionality of the application. There are countless options of front-end and back-end development. Consider all the details to choose the most suitable for your idea. 

Moreover, the chosen technology stack will directly impact your platform’s scalability and privacy measures. The right stack also makes future updates and integrations easier. This helps your social network adapt to new technologies and changing user needs.

Security and privacy

Apart from providing the website with a complete set of necessary and supplementary operations, you should ensure high user security. Qualitative protection of sensitive user data is a must for ambitious social networks that strive to attract billions of people. Use robust multi-factor authentication (MFA) to safeguard accounts against illegal access. 

You should also conduct regular security audits and vulnerability analyses to identify and address possible threats. Neglecting regular checks may lead to thundering cases of data breaches. This can significantly affect your network’s reputation and make users turn to competitors.


To create social website for billions of people worldwide, it must be able to handle such pressure. High scalability allows social websites to process a growing number of users and data seamlessly. Meaning, the social networks must have a technology stack that can deal with massive amounts of data and countless information exchanges simultaneously. 

Designing a scalable architecture involves using load balancers to equitably distribute traffic among servers. This ensures consistent performance during the busiest periods. Plus, implementing a microservices architecture lets different parts of the application scale separately when needed.

Development process  

The foundational elements of the social networking website development are front-end and back-end technology stack. Front-end development focuses on building the face of your social network — the part users see and engage with. Back-end is responsible for the server side of a web application. Let’s delve into today’s most widespread options.

Front-end development

Using technologies like HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), developers create the structure and style of your site. HTML organizes content with headers, paragraphs, images, and links, making the site navigable and accessible. With CSS, you can style everything from colors, fonts, and spacing to advanced animations and responsive layouts that adapt beautifully to different screen sizes.

For the front end, popular choices include JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. These powerful frameworks bring your interface to life. They add dynamic user interfaces, responsive designs and smooth interactions that captivate users. It’s all about crafting an intuitive and visually appealing experience that makes your social network stand out among competitors.

Back-end development

The main goal of a back-end is to manage the logic, database interactions, and overall functionality that users rely on but don’t directly see.​​ The server acts as the engine. It handles user requests, sending back responses quickly and efficiently. It also deals with user authentication along with archiving and getting data out of databases. Popular choices include relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, or NoSQL options like MongoDB for handling huge volumes of data.

On the back end, developers often use frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, or Spring Boot combined with languages like Python, Ruby, or Java to manage server-side operations. These tools simplify complex tasks like managing data, processing user requests, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. 

Include APIs in your back-end to create a social media website interacting with other apps. They enable integration with other systems, like payment gateways or social logins. Additionally, they allow mobile and web apps to communicate with the server.

For instance, your social network’s front end uses an API to communicate with the back end when a user uploads an inquiry. The back end processes this request, interacts with the database if needed, and then sends a response through the API. After that, the user sees this response on the front end.

Testing and debugging

When you create a social media website, you should test thoroughly every feature and functionality to check whether everything works as intended. You can choose from various testing methods, such as integration evaluation to guarantee various system components function together or unit evaluation to verify separate parts. Or, you can use end-to-end testing to verify the whole work process from the start to the end.

During testing, you may note errors or bugs in the system. Now, it’s time for debugging – identifying and fixing arisen flows. In how to build a social media website that works seamlessly, debugging is an essential process. Keep in mind that most users leave the page and go to competitors’ websites if faced with difficulties on the page. Thus, you must not miss the debugging stage but rather double check.

Launch and marketing  

To create your own social media site, network development is just the beginning. The real challenge lies in getting people to use it and keep them engaged. That is why you should start your marketing campaign already during the development phase. To maximize the future engagement, consider the following:  

Beta testing

If you don’t know how to launch your social media website – start with beta testing, and you won’t go wrong. Launching an MVP is an effective method to advance your marketing strategy. By gathering opinions from a small group of users, you learn which features they like the most. Thus, you will know which aspects of your social network to emphasize in your marketing campaign.

Marketing strategy

Creating a social media website is not enough for people to start using it. Moreover, even if using it for a long, users can cease at any time if one of the competitors presents more innovative features. Or – develop a more appealing and comprehensive marketing strategy. 

That is why social media website marketing is a non-sop process. It ends neither when you gather the initially intended number of users nor exceed that number. The reason is that once you relax and neglect marketing and improvement – your competitor will take your place. You can leverage other social networks and well-known websites to promote your. Or launch a blog and provide exclusive offers to attract and reward your newcomers.

Thus, you should plan your marketing strategy not only until one of the goals is achieved but much further. 


When the beta testing is over, essential feedback is gathered, and a marketing strategy is planned – you can launch your social media website and enjoy the result. Make sure that your marketing strategy has prepared potential users for the launch so that the great number of people register on the social network immediately after the launch.

Well-executed launches generate buzz and put word of mouth in motion. Remember, maintaining momentum is key—continue to innovate and refine your offerings to stay ahead of competitors and keep users excited. Once you create social network, you engage in a never-ending project that needs regular reviews and polishing.  

Post-launch considerations  

After a social network development and a launch, monitor the activity on your network. It should satisfy the intended users’ expectations while trying to exceed them. Control the following aspects to maintain the quality of the product.

User engagement

It defines both your network’s popularity among users and stakeholders’ interest in partnering with you. We have collected some tips to maintain and increase your user engagement while building a social network:

  • Interactive profiles: Provide enough possibilities for users to make their personal pages as interactive as possible. Create space for an extensive description of one’s personality. People should be able to tell as much as they want about themselves, including hobbies, past experiences, or even secret preferences.
  • Quick downloading: Both while authorization and reviewal of the network’s content, users want to avoid slow processing. Thus, when choosing a technology stack, consider the details and assure that the chosen framework provides fast data processing.
  • Filter: During any research, people like to use filters, as it fastens the process significantly. No matter what type of social website you have, a search is always included to find another user at least. Include search filters to make the experience more pleasurable.
  • Notification management: Implement a notification management system that allows users to define what they want to be notified about. Receiving countless irrelevant notifications can make people leave your network.

Continuous improvement

Your adherents will be more dedicated to your project if you create a social network that prioritizes continuous improvement. Implement complaints and feedback forms on your website to resolve ongoing malfunctions or immediate real-time problems.

According to a survey by HubSpot, 90% of customers rate an “immediate” response as important or very important when they have a customer service question. For urgent inquiries, 60% of customers define “immediate” as 10 minutes or less. 

Community management

When you create your own social network site, keep in mind that it is people who let it work and not just the development team. However, you must manage both the user community and your employees to succeed. Here are some statistics that can persuade you to constantly enhance your community management:

  • According to 88% of respondents, a company’s reaction to reviews range from somewhat to highly significant.
  • Esteban Kolsky, a famous customer strategist and researcher, found that 72% of clients will tell six or more others about a positive network experience. 
  • 83% of clients want to use community forums for self-help assistance.
  • Employee turnover is 14.9% lower in organizations that regularly provide feedback to their staff.
  • 85% of workers show greater initiative after receiving a comprehensive feedback at work.

Thus, in order to keep the clients and employees dedicated, take your time to create an appealing feedback form that will not bother respondents but comprise all the important questions. You can present a feedback form for social network users through the main menu, profile sections, pop-ups after key actions, or embedded within help and support pages.

Challenges and how to overcome them  

Similarly to establishing any business, building a social media website implies challenges and unexpected issues. Here are the most common problems you may face while social network building, along with the mitigation methods:

Intrusive monetization 

In how to create a social network that brings profit, it is crucial not to be extra. While monetization ensures the platform’s growth and development, there is a danger of losing a great bunch using if making the ad of paid-feaures too intrusive. Or, making the previously free functions chargeable. 

To avoid losing an audience due to the obtrusive advanced features proposals, ensure that core functionalities remain accessible to all users. Introduce monetization gradually with transparent communication about the benefits of premium options. Consider using subtle prompts, like occasional non-intrusive notifications or banners, and provide options for users to opt out of certain ads or upsells. 

Technical issues

A poorly chosen stack leads to compatibility issues, difficulties in scaling, and increased technical debt – accumulation of suboptimal code, quick fixes, or outdated technologies. Mismatched technologies also cause bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and challenges with integration of third-party services. 

When you create a social media website, prioritize well-documented and widely adopted technologies that have active community support. Additionally, engage experienced developers familiar with the chosen stack for proper implementation and maintenance. 

Regulatory compliance and privacy

Problems with privacy are frequent in the modern web field. When more than half of small companies worldwide didn’t use cybersecurity protection, one of every five faced cyberattacks.

To prevent reputational harm, implement strong data encryption protocols that protect user information both in transit and at rest. Incorporate robust authentication methods, such as MFA. Regularly conduct security audits to mitigate potential risks before they become critical issues. To stay compliant with worldwide rules, review and ensure accordance with global data protection regulations (GDPR).


In sum, the idea to create a social network website is both exciting and challenging. You can build a social network that will grasp the attention of millions or billions of web users worldwide. However, to build your social network with such a scale, you should consider numerous details, such as choosing the right technology stack and defining your accurate target audience. Additionally, you can gain more users by ensuring security and wise monetization. 

Remember to develop versions of your network for a variety of devices. Contact us to create an MVP that will help you test the website, correct flaws, and ensure a smooth, large-scale launch. Your results will reflect the time and effort dedicated to discovery and development processes. Thus, be patient and meticulous to create a social media website that brings both pride and profit.


How to create a social media website?

In how to create a social media site, you should rely on the five main stages: market research, competitor analysis, developing your unique value proposal (UVP), identifying a target audience, and conducting a beta test of your idea. The next step is choosing the right technology stack.

How to build up your social network?

When wondering how to make a social network, you should first define objectives and a type of social network. It may be a social network for professionals as well as a platform to find people with the same interests, etc. Discovering the idea is a fundamental step in social network building.

What does it mean to build a social network?

Building a social network means building a social network website where users can connect, communicate, and share specific content based on the network’s specialization. It implies designing and developing a system that handles numerous interactions, various forms of media, and messaging at once.

How much does it cost to build a social media network?

To create my own social network that functions properly and supports versions for various devices, you will need $30,000 – $50,000. However, to build a cohesive website with advanced functions, you will need up to $100,000.

How to make a social media website?

For building a social network or a social media website, you have to conduct thorough market research and define your objectives. Then, use one or several tools for effective goal setting, such as a SWOT or PESTLE analysis, to advance your idea and estimate potential success.


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