How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in 2024?

# Development & Tech
25 min
Andrew Tsopych

As mobile technologies grow, the question of app development costs remains as relevant as ever. Where innovation sets the pace and user expectations to grow, understanding the sophistication of application development becomes crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs alike.

So, how much does it cost to start an app in 2024? The cost of developing an app can range from $10,000 to $300,000. But it all depends. So, let’s analyze the latest trends, factors, and estimations shaping the financial landscape of app development in this dynamic era.

Let’s get started with our app development estimation!

Understanding app development: definition and current market landscape

In fact, mobile applications have become an integral part of daily life for billions of users worldwide. From social networking to productivity tools, entertainment to e-commerce, the diversity and utility of mobile apps continue to expand, driving innovation and transforming industries. At the heart of this digital revolution lies app development, a process that combines creativity, technical expertise, and market insight to bring ideas to life in the palm of our hands. 

App development refers to creating software applications for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It covers a broad spectrum of activities, including conceptualization, design, coding, testing, and deployment, each crucial in shaping the final product’s functionality, usability, and success.

The app development landscape constantly evolves, shaped by technological advancements, consumer preferences, and market dynamics. As of 2024, several trends and factors are influencing the industry’s trajectory:

  1. Rise of AI and ML: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are increasingly integrated into mobile apps to enhance personalization, predictive analytics, and automation. From virtual assistants to recommendation engines, AI-powered features redefine user experiences and drive engagement.
  2. Focus on privacy and security: With growing concerns over data privacy and security breaches, app developers prioritize robust security measures and compliance with regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Encryption, biometric authentication, and data anonymization are becoming standard practices to safeguard user information.
  3. Emergence of low-code/no-code platforms: Low-code and no-code development platforms are gaining traction. These platforms allow non-technical users to build custom apps with minimal coding knowledge. These platforms democratize app development, empowering businesses and individuals to create tailored solutions rapidly and cost-effectively.
  4. Integration of AR and VR: AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) technologies are being increasingly leveraged to deliver immersive and interactive experiences in gaming, retail, education, and other domains. From AR-enhanced shopping apps to VR-based training simulations, these technologies offer new avenues for innovation and engagement.
  5. Cross-platform development: With the proliferation of devices and operating systems, cross-platform development frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin are gaining popularity. These frameworks enable developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, streamlining development efforts and reducing time-to-market.

The forecasted revenue for the application development software market is expected to hit $179.90 billion in 2024.

Revenue from app development software

Thus, by staying abreast of the latest trends, adopting innovation, and fostering collaboration, developers can unlock the full potential of app development and create transformative solutions that enrich lives and drive positive change in society.

How to make a mobile application?

Before estimating the app development cost, it is essential to understand what you will include in this process. Our specialists have prepared a detailed guide to the application development. Let’s check it together!

How to build an app

Product discovery

The creation of a successful mobile application begins with product discovery. This phase involves researching the market, identifying user needs, and conceptualizing your app idea. Here are some critical steps to consider:

  • Market research. Analyze existing apps in your niche, study their features, user reviews, and ratings. Identify gaps or pain points that your app can address.
  • Define your target audience. Understand your potential users’ demographics, preferences, and behavior patterns. This will help you tailor your app to meet their specific needs.
  • Idea validation. Test your app idea through surveys, focus groups, or prototype testing. Gather feedback from potential users to validate demand and refine your concept.

UI/UX design

Once you clearly understand your app’s purpose and target audience, it’s time to design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). A well-designed UI/UX is essential for engaging users and ensuring a seamless interaction with your app. Below is what you need to consider:

  • Wireframing. Make wireframes or mockups of your app’s screens, outlining the layout, navigation flow, and visual elements. This helps visualize the app’s structure and functionality.
  • Visual design. Create your app’s graphical interface, including color schemes, typography, icons, and imagery. Aim for a clean, intuitive design that reflects your brand identity and resonates with users.
  • Prototyping. Build interactive prototypes to simulate the app’s user experience. Test the prototype with real users to gather feedback and iterate on design improvements.

App development

With the design finalized, it’s time to bring your app to life through development. This phase involves writing code, implementing features, and integrating third-party services. Here’s an overview of the app development process:

  • Choose a development approach. Decide whether to develop a native app (specifically for iOS or Android), a hybrid app (using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), or a cross-platform app (using frameworks like React Native or Flutter).
  • Set up a development environment. Install the necessary software development kits (SDKs), tools, and libraries for your chosen platform(s). This may include Xcode for iOS development, Android Studio for Android development, or cross-platform frameworks.
  • Coding and implementation. Write the backend and frontend code for your app’s features, functionality, and interactions. Follow best practices for coding standards, documentation, and version control to ensure maintainability and scalability.
  • Testing. Conduct thorough app testing to identify and fix bugs, glitches, or performance issues. This includes functional testing, usability testing, compatibility testing, and security testing.
  • Deployment. Prepare your app for release by configuring app store listings, generating signing keys, and adhering to platform guidelines. Submit your app to the Apple App Store and/or Google Play Store for review and approval.

QA control

Quality assurance (QA) is a critical aspect of app development, ensuring that your app meets the highest performance, reliability, and usability standards. Below, you can discover some QA practices to follow:

  • Automated testing. Implement automated tools and scripts to streamline the testing process and identify regressions or errors early in the development cycle.
  • Manual testing. Conduct manual testing by simulating real-world usage scenarios and evaluating the app’s functionality, usability, and user experience.
  • User feedback. Gather feedback from beta testers and early adopters to uncover issues, gather insights, and prioritize improvements for future updates.
  • Continuous improvement. Iterate your app based on user feedback, analytics data, and emerging trends. Release updates regularly to address bugs, introduce new features, and enhance the overall user experience.

App support

Even after your app is launched, the journey continues. App support is essential for maintaining and optimizing your app’s performance, addressing user feedback, and keeping up with platform updates. We prepared some tips for app support:

  • Monitor performance. Track key performance metrics such as app crashes, user retention, and engagement metrics. Use analytics tools to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas for improvement.
  • Provide customer support. Provide timely and responsive customer support to address user inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and resolve technical problems. Maintain multiple communication channels like email, live chat, and social media.
  • Update regularly. Stay proactive in updating your app to fix bugs, patch security vulnerabilities, and add new features. Communicate updates to users through release notes, app store listings, and push notifications.

Stay current. Keep abreast of platform updates, industry trends, and user feedback to adapt your app strategy accordingly. Continuously innovate your app to stay competitive in the ever-changing mobile landscape.

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Main factors affecting the mobile app development cost

Mobile app development has become a crucial component of business strategy across various industries. However, the cost of developing an app can vary widely depending on numerous factors. Understanding these factors is essential for making informed decisions and optimizing investment in app development.
Below, we will explore the primary aspects affecting the app development price.

Common aspects concerning the app development cost

1. Degree of complexity

The complexity of an app significantly influences its development cost. Apps can generally be categorized into three levels of complexity: simple, moderate, and complex.

Simple apps

These apps typically have basic functionalities and a limited number of screens. Examples include a basic calculator, a simple to-do list, or a news reader app. Developing simple apps requires less time and fewer resources. 

Moderate apps

Such apps have more features and integrations compared to simple apps. They might include user authentication, social media integration, in-app purchases, and basic backend infrastructure. Examples include fitness tracking or e-commerce apps with a catalog and payment gateway. 

Complex apps

These apps are feature-rich and require advanced technologies and integrations. These apps might include real-time user interactions, advanced backend with cloud infrastructure, extensive third-party integrations, and custom animations. Examples include social media platforms, on-demand services like Uber, and large-scale e-commerce platforms. 

2. Choice of the platform

In fact, the choice of platform—whether to develop for iOS, Android, or both (cross-platform)—significantly impacts app development costs.


Developing an Android app can be more complex and time-consuming due to the wide variety of devices and screen sizes that need to be supported. Testing and optimization across different devices can increase development time and costs. However, Android has a larger global market share, which can be advantageous for reaching a broader audience.


This app development is generally faster and more straightforward due to the limited number of devices and standardized operating systems. However, iOS users tend to have higher expectations for design and performance, which can increase the development effort in these areas. iOS apps are known for generating higher revenue per user, primarily through in-app purchases.


These development frameworks like React Native and Flutter allow developers to write a single codebase that runs on iOS and Android. This approach can reduce app development costs and time-to-market. However, cross-platform apps may face limitations in performance and accessing native device features compared to native apps. The cost of developing a cross-platform app typically falls between the costs of developing separate Android and iOS apps.

3. Development approach

The approach to development—whether in-house, freelancers, or outsourcing—plays a critical role in determining the overall app price.

In-house development

Building an in-house development team provides complete control over the development process and fosters better communication and collaboration. However, it involves significant costs, including salaries, benefits, equipment, and infrastructure. In-house development is usually more expensive than other approaches, especially for startups and small businesses.


Hiring freelancers can be cost-effective for small projects or when specific expertise is needed temporarily. Freelancers often charge lower rates than development agencies, but managing multiple freelancers can be challenging and affect the project’s continuity and quality.


This app development for a specialized agency can be a cost-efficient solution. Agencies offer comprehensive services, including project management, development, design, and testing. They also bring extensive experience and expertise to the table. Outsourcing costs vary widely depending on the agency’s location and reputation but can provide a balance between price and quality.

4. Complexity of UI/UX design

The complexity of the user interface and user experience design significantly impacts app development costs. A well-designed app with intuitive navigation and an appealing interface enhances user satisfaction and engagement.

Basic design

The basic design involves simple layouts and standard UI elements. It requires less design effort and is suitable for apps with limited features.

Moderate design

This design includes custom UI elements, standard animations, and a more polished look. Creating a visually appealing and functional interface requires more design and development effort. 

Advanced design

Such design involves highly customized UI elements, complex animations, and interactive features. It provides a unique user experience and often requires extensive user research and testing.

5. Geographical location of the developers

The geographical location of the development team significantly affects the app cost due to varying rates across different regions.

North America

Developers in North America (U.S. and Canada) charge the highest rates, typically ranging from $100 to $250 per hour. This region’s quality, experience, and advanced technological expertise justify the higher cost.

Western Europe

Western European countries, such as the UK, Germany, and France, have slightly lower rates than North America, ranging from $70 to $200 per hour. These countries offer high-quality development services with a strong focus on innovation and design.

Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe, including countries like Poland and Ukraine, offers competitive rates ranging from $30 to $80 per hour. This region is known for its skilled developers and high-quality work at a more affordable app cost.


Asian countries, particularly India and China, provide the most cost-effective development rates, typically ranging from $20 to $50 per hour. While the cost is lower, ensuring the quality and communication standards meet your project’s requirements is essential.

6. Feature scope of the app

The features and functionalities of an app are among the most significant factors influencing app development costs. More complex and feature-rich apps require more development time, expertise, and resources.

Basic features

These features include user authentication, simple navigation, and standard content display. Developing these features is straightforward and less costly.

Intermediate features

These features involve more complex functionalities such as push notifications, social media integration, in-app purchases, and basic data storage. These features require additional development effort and resources.

Advanced features

Such features include real-time chat, video streaming, geolocation services, advanced data analytics, and machine learning capabilities. Developing these features involves significant technical expertise, testing, and integration efforts, leading to higher app costs.

Custom integrations

These integrations with third-party services, such as payment gateways, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and cloud services, add to the development complexity and cost. Ensuring seamless integration and maintaining data security and compliance increases the investment required.

In general, businesses can create successful mobile applications that meet user expectations and drive growth by carefully considering each aspect and working with a skilled and experienced development team.

Common hidden app development costs

When planning to develop a mobile application, it’s crucial to consider not just the obvious app costs but also the hidden expenses that can significantly impact your budget. These hidden mobile app development costs often arise during different phases of the development lifecycle, from initial planning to post-launch maintenance and updates.

Here are some of the most common hidden app development costs:

Detailed requirement analysis and project planning

Before the coding starts, much time and effort is required for detailed requirement analysis and project planning. This phase involves:

  • Business analysis: Understanding business goals, target audience, and app functionality.
  • Market research: Analyzing competitors, market trends, and user preferences.
  • Project management: Developing a detailed project plan, timeline, and resource allocation.

These activities are essential for laying a solid foundation for your app but often incur additional app costs that are not initially apparent.

Backend infrastructure and cloud services

Many apps require robust backend infrastructure for data storage, user authentication, and server-side logic. Hidden application development costs associated with backend services include:

  • Server costs: Purchasing or renting server space to host the backend.
  • Database management: Setting up and maintaining databases.
  • APIs: Developing and integrating application programming interfaces (APIs) for various functionalities.
  • Cloud services: Utilizing cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for scalability and performance.

These backend services are critical for the app’s functionality but can add significantly to the overall development cost.

Third-party integrations

Integrating third-party services and APIs can enhance your app’s functionality and introduce hidden application development costs. Common integrations include:

  • Payment gateways: Services like PayPal, Stripe, or Apple Pay for in-app purchases.
  • Analytics tools: Tools like Google Analytics or Firebase for tracking user behavior.
  • Social media: Integrating social media platforms for login or sharing features.

These integrations often have usage fees or require custom development to work seamlessly with your app.

Marketing and user acquisition

Launching an app requires a robust marketing strategy to attract users. Hidden marketing application development costs may include:

  • Digital marketing: Investing in social media ads, search engine marketing, and influencer partnerships.
  • App Store Optimization (ASO): Optimizing the app’s listing to improve visibility and downloads.
  • Promotional campaigns: Running campaigns to generate buzz and drive user acquisition.

Marketing is crucial for the app’s success but often overlooked in initial budget planning.

Legal and compliance fees

Legal and compliance-related expenses can also add to the hidden application development costs. These may include:

  • Privacy policies: Drafting and updating privacy policies and terms of service.
  • Copyright and trademark: Securing intellectual property rights and trademarks.
  • Compliance audits: Ensuring ongoing compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Neglecting legal aspects can lead to costly penalties and reputational damage, so it is essential to allocate a budget for these expenses.

Development costs of the world’s most popular apps

The rapid rise of mobile applications has revolutionized how we communicate, travel, and share our lives. These apps have become household names, each with a unique value proposition and an immense user base.

However, behind their success lies a significant investment in development. Understanding the app development costs of these popular apps provides valuable insights into the resources and strategic planning required to create world-changing digital products.

Let’s break down the factors that contributed to their financial requirements.


WhatsApp mobile app

WhatsApp, founded in 2009 by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, started as a simple messaging app. The initial development phase was relatively modest compared to its later stages. This included:

  • Core messaging functionality: Developing the fundamental messaging feature required robust backend infrastructure to ensure reliable and instant communication.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Ensuring the app worked seamlessly on iOS and Android platforms added complexity and cost.
  • UI/UX design: Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface required considerable design and testing efforts.

As WhatsApp’s user base grew, so did its development costs. Scaling to support millions of users required substantial investment in server infrastructure and security enhancements. Additionally, implementing features like voice and video calls, group chats, and multimedia sharing increased app costs.

WhatsApp continues to invest heavily in development to introduce new features and enhance security and privacy. End-to-end encryption, for instance, was a significant development undertaking. Today, maintaining and evolving such a widely used app likely involves an ongoing budget of several million dollars annually.

Average cost to develop an app like WhatsApp: $30,000-$70,000


Uber mobile app

Uber, launched in 2009 by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, transformed urban transportation with its ride-hailing service. The initial app development cost factors included:

  • Core functionality: Building the core features, such as user registration, ride booking, GPS integration, driver and passenger matching, and fare calculation, required substantial technical expertise.
  • Backend infrastructure: Developing a robust backend to handle real-time data processing and transactions was crucial.
  • Payment integration: Implementing secure payment processing and multiple payment options increased complexity and cost.

Uber’s rapid expansion necessitated significant additional investment. Scaling the platform to new cities and countries involved adapting to local regulations, languages, and payment systems. The cost of scaling also included enhancing server capacity and ensuring high availability and reliability.

Today, Uber continues to innovate with features like Uber POOL, Uber EATS, and autonomous vehicle technology. The ongoing development and maintenance costs are substantial, estimated at several hundred million dollars per year, reflecting the complexity and scale of the platform.Average cost to develop an app like Uber: $30,000-$100,000


Snapchat mobile app

Snapchat, launched in 2011 by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, introduced ephemeral messaging to the social media landscape. The initial app development costs covered:

  • Core features: Developing the core features of disappearing messages and multimedia sharing required innovative technical solutions and a unique UX design.
  • Backend infrastructure: It was critical to ensure the app could handle a high volume of multimedia content and provide real-time delivery.
  • Security and privacy: Implementing robust security measures to protect user data and maintain privacy added to the development complexity.

As Snapchat’s popularity surged, so did its development costs. Introducing new features such as Stories, Discover, and AR filters required significant R&D and server infrastructure investment.

Snapchat’s commitment to innovation necessitates continuous investment in development. Features like Snap Map, Spectacles, and ongoing improvements to AR capabilities reflect the company’s significant R&D expenditure. Today, Snapchat’s growth and operational costs are estimated to be several hundred million dollars annually.

Average cost to develop an app like Snapchat: $45,000-$100,000

Thus, understanding these app development costs provides valuable insights for aspiring app developers and businesses looking to enter the competitive mobile app market. Investing in robust development, scalable infrastructure, and continuous innovation is essential to achieving long-term success and user satisfaction.

Maximizing returns: choosing the right business model

Choosing a suitable business model is crucial for maximizing returns and ensuring the long-term success of your app. The choice of business model affects your revenue streams and influences user engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction. Let’s explore popular business models, analyzing their advantages, challenges, and suitability for different types of apps to help you make an informed decision.

Selecting the right app business model


This business model has gained significant popularity in recent years, particularly among apps that provide ongoing value through content, services, or features. Under this model, users pay a recurring fee (monthly, quarterly, or annually) to access the app’s premium features or content.


  • Steady revenue stream: Subscriptions provide a predictable and recurring revenue stream, enhancing financial stability and allowing for better planning and resource allocation.
  • High customer lifetime value (CLTV): With continuous engagement, the customer lifetime value tends to be higher compared to one-time purchases, as users consistently pay over time.
  • User commitment: Subscription models encourage long-term user commitment, as users are likely to stay engaged and loyal when they invest regularly in the app.


  • High expectations: Users expect continuous updates, improvements, and value additions to justify recurring payments.
  • Churn management: Retaining subscribers can be challenging, as users may cancel their subscriptions if they perceive a lack of value.

Use cases:

Ideal for apps that offer ongoing services such as content streaming (e.g., Netflix), productivity tools (e.g., Microsoft Office 365), health and fitness programs, and news or magazine subscriptions.

Paid apps

Under the paid app model, users pay a one-time fee to download and access the app. This model can be straightforward but requires a compelling value proposition to convince users to pay upfront.


  • Immediate revenue: Each download generates revenue upfront, providing instant financial returns.
  • High perceived value: Users often perceive paid apps as higher quality than free alternatives, potentially leading to higher satisfaction and fewer support issues.
  • No ads: Paid apps typically do not include ads, offering a cleaner and more focused user experience.


  • High barrier to entry: Convincing users to pay for an app without a trial can be difficult, especially in a market dominated by free apps.
  • Limited revenue growth: Revenue is capped by the number of downloads, without the potential for recurring income unless additional in-app purchases are offered.

Use cases:

Best for niche apps with a unique value proposition, games with a strong reputation or franchise, and apps with significant utility or productivity benefits.


This business model combines free and premium elements, allowing users to access basic features for free while offering advanced features, content, or virtual goods through in-app purchases (IAPs).


  • Wide user base: By lowering the barrier to entry, freemium apps can attract a large user base quickly.
  • Monetization opportunities: Offering premium features or content allows for multiple monetization opportunities and higher potential revenue per user.
  • User testing: Users can test the app for free before investing in premium features, reducing the risk of dissatisfaction and refunds.


  • Conversion rates: A small percentage of users typically convert to paying customers, requiring a large user base to achieve significant revenue.
  • Balance: Striking the right balance between free and premium features is crucial to avoid frustrating free users or undervaluing the premium offering.

Usu cases:

Suitable for apps offering a meaningful experience for free users while enticing them to upgrade, such as mobile games, productivity apps, social networking apps, and education platforms.

In-app advertising 

The in-app advertising model generates revenue by displaying ads to users within the app. This can include banners, interstitials, videos, and native ads.


  • Accessibility: Users can access the app for free, lowering the barrier to entry and expanding the user base.
  • Scalability: Revenue potential scales with user growth and engagement, as more users and higher engagement translate to more ad impressions and clicks.
  • Diversification: Ads provide a revenue stream that doesn’t rely on user payments, diversifying the app’s income sources.


  • User experience: Ads can disrupt the user experience if not implemented thoughtfully, potentially leading to dissatisfaction and churn.
  • Revenue dependence: Revenue depends on ad network performance, user engagement, and geographic factors, which can be unpredictable and fluctuate.

Use cases:

Ideal for apps with high user engagement and frequent use, such as social media apps, news apps, and casual games where users are accustomed to seeing ads.

In general, by aligning your business model with your app’s strengths and user expectations, you can maximize returns and build a sustainable revenue stream that supports your growth and innovation efforts.

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A guide to selecting the right app development company

Finding the right partner to bring your vision to life can be challenging within app development companies. The cost of developing an app depends on its features and functionality and the expertise and reliability of the development team behind it.

Now, we’ll explore the key points to consider when selecting an app development company, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals and budget.

Choosing the appropriate app development partner

1. Define your project requirements

Before launching your search for an app development company, you must clearly understand your project requirements and objectives. Consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of your app?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What features and functionality do you require?
  • Are there any technical specifications or platform preferences?
  • What is your budget and timeline for the project?

Having a well-defined project brief will help you communicate your needs effectively and enable prospective development companies to provide accurate estimates and recommendations.

2. Research potential candidates

Once you’ve defined your project requirements, it’s time to research potential app development companies. Start by exploring their websites, portfolios, and client testimonials to gain insights into their expertise, experience, and past projects. Look for companies with a proven track record of delivering high-quality apps within your industry or niche.

Additionally, consider factors such as:

  • Size and scale: Determine whether you prefer to work with a boutique agency, a mid-sized firm, or a large-scale development company. Each has advantages and drawbacks, so choose based on your project’s scope and requirements.
  • Technology stack: Evaluate the company’s technologies and frameworks to ensure they align with your project needs. Whether you require native development for iOS and Android or cross-platform solutions, ensure the company has the expertise to deliver.
  • Communication and collaboration: Assess the company’s communication channels and project management processes. Clear and open communication is crucial for a successful partnership, so look for companies that prioritize transparency and collaboration.

3. Evaluate experience

When selecting an app development company, expertise and experience are key. Look for companies with a team of skilled professionals with the technical knowledge and industry insights to execute your project effectively. Analyze the following aspects:

  • Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio of past projects to gauge the quality of their work and relevance to your project requirements. Pay attention to their apps’ design, functionality, and user experience.
  • Industry experience: Determine whether the company has experience working within your industry or niche. Familiarity with industry-specific challenges and best practices can streamline the development process and ensure a successful outcome.
  • Client references: Contact past clients or references provided by the company to get firsthand feedback on their experience. Ask about the company’s professionalism, communication, and ability to meet project deadlines and objectives.

4. Assess communication and collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for the success of any app development project. Look for companies that prioritize clear, open communication and foster a collaborative working environment. Consider the following aspects:

  • Project management: Inquire about the company’s project management processes and tools. Look for companies that use agile methodologies and provide regular updates and progress reports throughout the development lifecycle.
  • Communication channels: Determine the communication channels used by the company, such as email, phone, video conferencing, or project management platforms. Ensure that communication channels are accessible and responsive to promptly address any issues or concerns.
  • Team collaboration: Assess the company’s approach to collaboration and client involvement in the development process. Look for companies that encourage client feedback and participation at every project stage.

5. Consider budget and pricing

While app cost should not be the sole determining factor when selecting an app development company, it’s essential to consider your budget and ensure that the company’s pricing aligns with your financial constraints. Here are some tips for evaluating pricing:

  • Request quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple app development companies to compare pricing and services. Ensure that quotes are comprehensive and include all relevant costs, including design, development, testing, and ongoing support.
  • Consider value proposition: Evaluate each company’s value proposition in relation to its pricing. While it may be tempting to opt for the lowest bid, consider factors such as expertise, experience, and quality of service to determine the best overall value for your investment.
  • Flexible pricing models: Look for companies that offer flexible pricing models, such as fixed-price, time-and-material, or milestone-based billing. Choose a pricing model that aligns with your project requirements and provides cost transparency and predictability.

At our app development company, we are committed to delivering innovative and cost-effective solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help bring your app idea to life.

How much does it cost to create an app at Intobi?

At our robust software development company, we offer transparent and competitive pricing for app development projects tailored to our clients’ unique requirements and budgetary constraints. Our app development cost structure is based on the following principles:

  • Customized solutions. We understand that every app development project is unique, with its challenges and objectives. That’s why we offer customized solutions specifically tailored to meet each client’s individual needs and preferences.
  • Fixed price or time and material. Our experts offer fixed-price and time-and-material pricing models depending on the client’s preference and project requirements. Fixed-price projects provide clarity and predictability regarding costs, timelines, and deliverables, while time-and-material projects offer flexibility and scalability to accommodate evolving requirements and priorities.
  • Transparent estimates. We provide transparent and detailed estimates for app development projects, outlining the breakdown of costs associated with design, development, testing, and other project phases. Our goal is to ensure that clients clearly understand the investment required to bring their app to market and achieve their business objectives.
  • Value-driven approach. Our specialists believe in delivering value-driven solutions that maximize our clients’ investment returns. Our experienced team of developers, designers, and project managers works collaboratively to optimize project efficiency, minimize costs, and deliver high-quality results that exceed client expectations.

Below, you can see the average cost to make an app.

App typeEstimated costTimeline
Simple app development$10,000 to $60,0001-3 months
Basic app development$60,000 to $150,0003-6 months
Complex app developmentfrom $300,0009+ months

Now, let’s discuss an all-in-one mental wellness care app our specialists delivered.

Case study: MindTales

This is an AI-enabled mental health mobile app that provides patients with wellness activities and connects them with mental health counselors.

MindTales mobile application

Our main task was to develop a mobile solution that solves users’ pain and meets business goals. So, we provided a full design cycle from MVP (minimum viable product) to launching an updated product. Our scope of work covers UX research, building UX strategy, wireframing, testing, and visual design.


Understanding app development costs in 2024 demands a mix of strategic foresight, budgetary prudence, and a keen eye for emerging trends. From the complexities of coding to the nuances of user experience design, every aspect plays a crucial role in determining the final app price. While the costs may rock with technological advancements and market demands, the potential rewards of a well-crafted application continue to attract entrepreneurs and businesses toward the horizon of innovation. 

At Intobi, our experienced team is ready to transform your vision into a reality. With a wealth of expertise and a commitment to excellence, we’re here to guide you through every stage of the app development, from conceptualization to deployment.

Contact us to release your idea’s full potential and drive your business into the digital forefront. Your app awaits, and so do we!


How much does it cost to build an app?

The cost of developing an app can vary widely based on complexity, features, design, platform, and the development team’s location. On average, a simple app can cost $10,000-$60,000. More complex apps range from $60,000 to $150,000. For enterprise-level apps, costs can exceed $300,000.

How long does it take to create a mobile app?

A basic app with limited features might take 1-3 months to develop. Medium complexity apps, which include more robust functionality, generally require 3-6 months. Highly complex apps with intricate backend systems, real-time features, or extensive user interactions can take 9 months or longer.


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