The Benefits of a Project Discovery Phase in Software Development

# Development & Tech
21 MIN

What should you do right after having a market-disrupting idea? The answer is not let it stay in your dreams. To ensure its successful real-world embodiment, it is important to define whether it brings value to the market. Here is when the discovery phase of project comes into play.

Today, we’ll discuss what is the discovery phase of a project and why it is a must for an idea realization. You will learn which unpleasant issues you can avoid by conducting a project discovery phase, along with the main benefits it provides. Next, we will clarify the stages of the discovery phase process and which tools you can use for an effective project discovery phase. Additionally, we’ll identify the challenges you may face during the discovery phase and how to deal with them. Let’s start.   

What is project discovery? 

The shortest answer to the question of what is the discovery phase  – the discovery phase is the skeleton of your project. Being a foundation, it defines all future developmental decisions. 

During the discovery phase of project, you gather info on the current market state, especially within your niche. It is a time for analyzing competitors to ensure your proposal will appear as unique as you expect. This phase allows to write down all the technical specifications required for the smooth realization and secondary plans in case of a problem. 

The discovery phase is also essential to align the separate project objectives with the general company’s values and goals. By listing the project’s details, you can define its scope and due date, important elements of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goal setting.

If you process discovery phases for a client, prepare and ask as many clarifying questions as possible. Each detail can improve the results, while insufficient information on the project can cause low engagement.

At the end of the discovery phase of project, you have complete documentation on the proposition value, risk management, timelines and required monetary investments. Let’s move on to the non-obvious benefits of the project discovery phase.

The impact of a well-executed project discovery 

If a company neglects the discovery phase of project, proceeding to realization right after the idea, it does not fully understand what benefits it has. Moreover, such a firm does not consider the risks due to neglect. We collected some unobvious discovery phase deliverables that advance your project:

Faster problem resolving

A project team always faces various confusions throughout idea embodiment. In case of technical problems, the secondary plan pre-written in the discovery phase of a project will prompt a team on what to do. It may include reliable service centers capable of quickly resolving the issue or predefined communication protocols. Resource allocation and task prioritization can also be a part of emergency guidance. Anyway, people can cope with troubles much faster than without a pre-developed plan.

In case of confusion regarding marketing strategies, target audience, or content, discovery phase deliverables are also useful suggestions. By checking on the wider project goals and company values, the marketing department can embrace or adjust particular ads or slightly change the intended public.

Higher team motivation 

A samurai has no goal, only a path. However, we are not samurais and need measurable goals for our projects. The clearly defined objective has two main advantages:

  1. Makes possible success estimation. This allows companies and teams to identify flaws and deficiencies in their approaches. Thus, they can eliminate shortcomings, improve strategies, and increase profit.
  2. Increases the overall team motivation to perform their best at work. Understanding the deep sense and goal of the project lets workers see more than “just do this task quickly and effectively.” Instead, they can see “this step requires a high dedication as it will fulfill such of our company values and increase our reputation in the field, which will favor all our workers.”

Improved project success rate

In life, individuals should know exactly what they want to achieve to get it. It works similarly with the projects! Written specific goals prompt what you should focus your efforts on. It is impossible to accomplish the unclear goal as it barely exists.

That is why the main and secondary goal setting are included in the discovery phase of project. Having a strong objective rather than a moving target allows you to access your achievements objectively. Plus, aligning these goals with the discovery phase market analysis will inevitably bring satisfactory results. 

Efficient resource allocation

Every business wants to see ROI (return on investment) that exceeds the pre-defined expectations. However, such results require a thorough analysis of the available resources and ways to maximaze its usage. 

Resource allocation is a necessary component of a project management discovery phase. By evaluating a company’s investment opportunities, it can wisely choose ways to use them as effectively as possible. The important nuance is that it is better to do this before the project launch rather than making adjustments when part of the investment has gone to waste.

Better stakeholder satisfaction

Arranging a project management discovery for a client is a responsible step. Firsty, ensure that the format suits both the customer and your team to ensure effective communication. Discussing a forthcoming project should go smoothly and comfortably, whether in an offline meeting or a remote conference call.

Emphasizing the need in the discovery phase of project for clients can make them trust you as a professional who considers the tiniest details. As a result, they can see that the discovery phase was not a waste of time but an instrument that leverages their business.

What a discovery phase of project helps to avoid

Apart from listing the benefits of the discovery phase, let’s see in short what problems you can escape by investing your resources in it:

  • Losing money
  • Wasting time
  • Failing to meet user needs
  • Failing to handle unforeseen challenges 
  • Proposing undemanded products to the market

After defining what is a discovery phase and its impact on the project’s progress, let’s review the discovery phase of project components. 

The project discovery process 

Discovery stage contains but is not limited to the 5 stages. The process leads to the logical conclusion – the roadmap development . 

  1. Stakeholder engagement

Let’s specify who should participate in the discovery phase of a project to make it a useful tool. Usually, the discovery phase team contains:

  • Stakeholders: Clients, investors, or end-users whose needs and expectations must be met. Inviting them to the discovery phase of project helps to avoid the flaws in understanding the project idea.
  • Business analyst: Business analysts write down all the project details the customer presents, such as goals and any specific constraints or expectations. Then, they review the identified niche by analyzing competitors and identifying potential risks. They also validate the relevancy of the proposed solution to current market demands. 
  • Product manager​​: They outline the client’s vision, potential strategy, and roadmap to fulfill their subsequent responsibility. They will monitor that the project aligns with the market needs throughout the discovery and realization phases. 
  • Lead software developer: This role takes charge of the technical side of the project. Lead engineers review and analyze similar projects’ documentation or ask clarifying questions to develop one from scratch. They consider the inner architecture details and propose the best-fit technology stack.
  • UI/UX designer: Designers’ presence at the discovery phase meeting is desirable because the visual component of the promotions and solution interface matters a lot. By talking directly to the client, user interface/user experience designers can create an intuitive web interface that reflects the company’s style and values.

This list can be expanded based on the stakeholders’ request or the project’s large scale.

  1. The project idea discovery

When everybody is in the place, the discovery phase discussion can start. Now, the client and the team should work collaboratively to reach a common understanding of the key concept. The customer starts and elaborates on the idea. The others listen attentively and write down clarifying questions. When the client finishes, the team asks everything they need to get better comprehension, asking the pre-written questions along with those that appeared during the narrative. 

  1. Defining the project scope

The client could have mentioned the approximate project scope in the initial idea description. However, this step is essential to pose clarifying questions about:

  • Intended impressions
  • Desired engagement results
  • Milestones
  • Timeline
  • Available monetary resources

Knowing these details will enable success estimation throughout the project realization and ensure well-organized processes.

  1. Identifying risks and challenges

After the team familiarizes itself with the client’s idea and project scope, it is time to discuss the challenges that may prevent smooth realization. This stage includes each specialist’s consideration of their professional experience. Every role presented at the discussion should mention and write down risks that may appear in their niche. 

Apart from the professional opinion, it is vital to learn about the general problems associated with similar projects realization and note them. An exhaustive discovery phase of project allows for the development of emergency communication protocols and saves much time afterwards.

  1. Developing a roadmap

When the concept is clear, and the risks are considered, the discussion can switch to the last stage of the discovery phase – developing a roadmap. It is a comprehensive visualization of key concepts derived during the discussion. Here are free roadmap templates you can use for the project. The examples of how it looks:

It is highly important to fill a roadmap with clearly formulated details, as this will guide the working team throughout the whole project. Now, let’s switch to other valuable tools for the productive discovery phase. 

Tools and techniques for effective project discovery

Though it may be time-consuming, including each following technique in your discovery phase provides the most precise image of the product’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Workshops and brainstorming sessions

The initial discovery phase discussion is the foundation of the discovery phase of project. Yet, additional customer and operating team meetings are essential for progress. Based on the roadmap, you should arrange workshops and brainstorming sessions. They can be dedicated to marketing strategy, advancements in software solutions, budget allocation, product design, competitive analysis, risk management etc. 

During brainstorming and teamwork, an unexpected solution can emerge. Workshops are a necessary part of a discovery phase project management. They encourage innovative ideas and out-of-the-box thinking, which is necessary for creating a competitive advantage. 

Market research tools

Specific analyzing tools will be helpful for any project stage but mandatory during the discovery phase. Some of the most widespread market research tools involve Google Trends, Semrush, SWOT, and PESTLE analyses. Google Trends and Semrush can provide exhaustive reports on current market trends. SWOT and PESTLE analyses are widely used to evaluate internal and external factors affecting the project.

Additional instruments for effective surveys are tables like Power BI and Tableau and programs for collecting customer feedback such as Qualtrics or SurveyMonkey. Power BI is better for building dynamic dashboards and data analysis, whereas Tableau is ideal for exploring and visualizing complicated data. SurveyMonkey’s main purpose is to collect feedback. Qualtrics is more attractive to enterprise clients as it provides extensive market research functions.

Let’s look closer at SWOT analysis, as it is a constant instrument of project teams. 

SWOT Analysis

It contains four stages of analysis, which provide insights into the project’s real opportunities and threats.

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You should formulate and highlight these factors while analyzing the market. Let’s look at the details:


Think of them as your secret weapons—unique strategies, capabilities, resources, or technologies that set you apart in the marketplace. Once you have defined your strengths, emphasize them throughout the entire project.


These are areas where your competitors might have the advantage. You should identify your weaknesses not to highlight faults but to unravel growth points.


By analyzing the market state and competitors’ technologies, you can face an unknown opportunity, such as a technological advancement or a tendency in current consumer behavior. Apply this knowledge immediately to jump on the trend.


Analyze the up-to-date regulatory environment particularly carefully. Noncomplianсe with the regulatory standards may cause great problems and even a project closure.

Some companies claim the SWOT analysis should be conducted every 3-5 years. However, this frequency does not fit in the modern, fast-paced business environment. We advise performing the SWOT analysis at least twice a year to maintain a competitive advantage.  

Prototyping and MVPs (minimum viable products)

Apart from the aforementioned, prototyping and launching MVPs are helpful techniques for success. By prototyping your product, you can test functionality and gather narrowly focused feedback. Doing so helps to improve the product quality before launching to a large audience. This strategy reduces the risk of money and time waste by confirming functioning and sufficient demand.

For instance, Dropbox’s MVP, a basic film that showcased the software’s features, allowed the company to access people’s interest in the product. With the early customer feedback, Dropbox advanced the later versions to more abundant features and sophisticated solutions.

As a software development company, we always launch MVPs before launching a large-scale version of a product. This allows us to receive positive client feedback and be proud of our project results.

Common challenges in project discovery and mitigation strategies

Some challenges that can prevent you from conducting an effective discovery phase are:

  • Stakeholder’s refusal to engage: There may be cases when clients want your company to do everything, including the discovery phase, by themselves. Such customers argue that they pay you big money, so you must know how to make the best of it without their participation. Unfortunately, such situations often lead to client complaints and dissatisfaction with the product.

In this case, you should convey to them that their engagement is crucial for the project’s success. Explaining that without their active participation, your team may misunderstand the project’s specific goals and miss critical details. Thus, you can persuade them to devote their time.

  • Limited time and resources: A client can set a tense deadline slightly out of your plan. Additionally, the requirements claimed during project management discovery may not fit the allocated resources.

When dealing with limited time and resources, it’s crucial to set priorities. Review and prioritize the project requirements with the client. Identify the critical tasks and those that can be adjusted or completed in later phases. This will help manage client expectations and ensure the project’s success.

  • Resistance to new Ideas or change: Customers may not be willing to modify their previous strategies, insisting on preserving the previous approaches. However, this resistance can hinder innovation and profitable solutions.

When faced with resistance to change, highlight the benefits of the new approach and the associated risks. If the client understands that the risks are low and the benefits are high, they are more likely to agree to the new terms.

Case studies 

As an awarded web development company, we always include a discovery phase when starting a new project. After discussing your idea’s details, we create a step-by-step development strategy, including all the potential risks and mitigation strategies.

Among our recent case studies, we want to highlight the development of an interactive app – Kato.

The application is an all-encompassing platform intended to transform the transaction process within the commercial real estate field. We successfully met Kato‘s needs, producing a single tool that handles every step of the real estate transaction process. The app handles all steps – from marketing and matching to tracking, negotiating, signing, and finalizing deals. 

We also enhanced the user experience by making the interface intuitive and user-friendly. Thanks to our advancements, the platform now offers Kato’s clients more streamlining tools and services.

From a frontend perspective, we implemented some frontend improvements that supplemented the platform functionality. For instance, we added email campaign functionality and insights reports to give our clients fast access to the required information. 

Additionally, integrating numerous third-party services, such as OnTheMarket, Property News, PropertyPal, BPI Expresso, Imovirtual, Idealista, and eGO Real Estate allowed Kato to extend its reach of services.

If you need to advance your application or develop a new one from scratch – contact us to negotiate the prospects of your project and develop an initial MVP!


In this article, we grasped the discovery phase meaning and what happens in discovery phase. To answer shortly to what is project discovery – it is the first stage of any project that ensures its compliance with current market demand. 

The discovery phase implies a thorough discussion of the project idea with the stakeholders. It includes discovering project ideas and scope, defining risks based on the specialists’ knowledge, and developing a roadmap with all the derived details. A properly conducted discovery phase of project allows to effectively allocate money and time. Furthermore, it helps to avoid issues such as undemanded or low-quality products and failing to deal with urgencies.

By trusting your next project to Intobi, you get access to a dedicated team of experts committed to turning your vision into reality. We’ll arrange an effective discovery phase by aligning with any timezone and customizing our approach to fit your requirements.


What is a project discovery meeting?

A project discovery meeting is an initial session between stakeholders and processing team. Discovery phase of a software project includes writing down the project idea, scope, potential risks and challenges, denoting financial resources, timeline, and developing a roadmap.

What does discovery mean in a project?

If asking what is discovery phase, it is foundation of a project’s launch. Discovery project management does not mean just an announcement of an idea and a due date. It is rather an exhaustive analysis of its relevance to the current market demand and available resources for realization.

What comes after discovery in a project?

What comes after the discovery phase in a project depends on the derived information. Usually, after a discovery phase project, business analysts analyze the market and niche. Then, the team develops a prototype and an MVP – minimum viable product to discover people’s interest in the product.

How to do discovery for a project?

The project phases discovery includes arranging an initial meeting of stakeholders and a working team. The client first tells the team about the idea and any associated details. Then, the participating specialists ask clarifying questions to develop a project roadmap.

What is a discovery phase?

Discovery phase of project is a must for a successful idea realization. Discovery phase is a time to discuss the main goals and risks on a shore. It comprises various specialists’ market analysis and prevents subsequent money and time losses.

What is the discovery project structure?

In the season of discovery phases, the team meets with stakeholders to decide what to do next. Discover the idea, identify potential emergencies, discuss available monetary resources, milestones, due date, and develop a roadmap. A roadmap will lead all the professionals throughout the project.

What is the purpose of discovery?

The discovery phase in project management allows to get the most of the initial idea and prevents unnecessary risks. It includes a sufficient analysis that helps to ensure that the product is demanded in the market and has all necessary functions.


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